Sunday, August 25, 2013


ARTISTI CONTRO LE MGF รจ una staffetta di artisti che scelgono di contribuire alla realizzazione del Film Documentario BREAKING THE CUT. Ogni artista, singolo o gruppo, dona una sua serata per il sostegno del Documentario che intende promuovere i  DIRITTI UMANI  e sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica, attraverso un percorso formativo-didattico-artistico.
ARTIST AGAINST FGM is an initiative that involves different kind of artists who decide to "donate" one of their performance to the realization of the Film-Documentary BREAKING THE CUT, which aims to promote HUMAN RIGHTS and sensitize on Female Genital Mutilation through an educational and artistical path.

Gli artisti che intendono aderire al PROGETTO possono contattarci via mail
Artists who want to partecipate can write via mail: [soggettonomade2013 (chiocciola)]
valentinammaka - [(valentinammaka (chiocciola)]

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Breaking The Cut - Project

Breaking The Cut Project is  the Film-Documentary we are aiming to produce  means that is possible to make a change and reach that day when FGM will be totally banned and never practiced anymore.
Today 140 milions of women worldwide risk to undergo FGM, 500,000 women in Europe have already undergone FGM and 35,000 just in Italy. Every year in Europe 180,000 women may undergo FGM and 3000 just in Italy. These numbers are really important because they mean that even though the UN, the EU and the singles nationals tates  have their own laws condemning FGM, this brutal practice is still going on.